I struggle with terms that have been used to describe my art, “ Art Dolls, Figurative Sculptures, Assembled Figures.” As evidenced by the ancient Venus of Willendorf, humans have always had a desire to represent the human form. Miniature figures were created to gain power as well as commune spiritually through religious iconography, voodoo and fertility rites. Figures are created for reasons of modeling behavior and fashion, as toys and to provide entertainment. Artists have also created figures for the challenge and thrill of representing what is essential to ourselves- our bodies. As artists work, realistically or expressionistically, seeing a personality emerge from raw materials is soul stirring.
As a young artist I considered assemblage and photography my art forms. After concentrating on photography for 25 years, I was compelled to follow a more intuitive form of expression. I longed to use tactile and diverse materials as well as varied techniques. Odd, worn and handmade dolls have always fascinated me, so returning passionately to assemblage, I began to focus on the figure.