Thumbelina's Kingdom
Thumbelina's Kingdom
 Food deliveries in the foyer. A portrait of Thumbelina's friend "The Swallow". Ladder for guests lacking faerie wings.
Thumbelina's Kingdom
Thumbelina's Kingdom
Thumbelina's dining room
Thumbelina's diningroom 2
Searching for Thumbelina's wings
Thumbelina's bed
 Looking through the mica windows, you can see Thumbelina's wings hung on her bedpost. Thumbelina isn't a fairy. When she married the fairy prince, the fairies gave her a pair of wings and changed her name to "May Queen Of The Flowers." 
Thumbelina's Kingdom
Thumbelina's kingdom watch post.
Thumbelina's retreat
Thumbelina's Kigdom
Visitors to the Kingdom
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